Holiday cheer. However, one non-profit group is working hard to ensure that every child who lost their home or was devastated by Hurricane Sandy has a few gifts this holiday season. This not only helps with the children’s moral, but most importantly it helps with the pocket books of the parents who are struggling to feed their children right now, let alone buy them toys.
The organization “Where to Turn” is responsible for this new toy store in Staten Island at 3948 Amboy Road. Amalgamated Transit Union has lent Where to Turn the space to hold this toy store rent free. The store is open from 12-7 pm, seven days a week until Christmas Eve.
Dennis McKeon, the man behind Where to Turn, was flooded with individual donations of toys for Hurricane Sandy victims. When the toys became too much too handle, he decided a toy store would be the best option to get these toys to the people that need them most.
McKeon says that the most important aspect of this store is that it gives parents a place to come and get toys for their children “with dignity”. It is a more normal, legitimate way to get the toys that makes parents feel welcome. The best part about the store is the variety; they have over 6,000 brand new toys! If your kid wants it, they probably have it; skateboards, air hockey, dolls, princess sets, you name it.
Because all of the toys in this toy store have been donated by others specifically for the Hurricane Sandy victims, all of the toys are free of charge to the parents in need. However, the parents must register with their FEMA number to prove their distress and avoid corruption from people who don’t NEED these free gifts.
This toy store, along with other means of charity and donation, are helping ease some pressure off the devastated and bring a little joy to the holidays for the victims of this tragic storm.
Sources: CBS New York