Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year, full of joy, happiness, laughter, friends, food and gifts. However, for some poor children this year, they will not be able to enjoy the holiday spirit like they normally would. Unfortunately, there are thousands of sick children that, for whatever reason, are hospitalized during this jolly time; being stuck in a cold, grey hospital doesn’t exactly brighten any holiday spirit.
To help alleviate some of the heartbreak these children will face this Christmas and holiday season, St. Helen’s Reporter is running their annual toy drive. The St. Helen’s Reporter’s goal is to provide as many sickly, hospitalized children with a brand new toy for Christmas this year to help brighten their spirits and hopefully their health as well. They feel, as most of us would agree, that EVERY child deserves a little love on Christmas.
Any donation, large or small, extravagant or simple can change the attitude and outlook of a sickly child. So please, reach into your heart and give anything that can to help these experience the joy of Christmas.
Getting the toys to the donation center is simple. There are two different ways in which they can be delivered. First, they can be physically dropped off at the office if you are a local in the area. Otherwise, any and all toys may be shipped directly to the office, where they will be hand delivered to children everywhere. The address is as follows: St Helens Reporter office, Bank House, Claughton Street, St Helens, WA10 1RL.