The extremely popular application games, Words with Friends and Draw Something, have gone physical. Hasbro has made the decision to make the digital games into real life board games that you can play with other tangible humans. And just in time for the holiday season!
As exciting as this initially may be, some of the public isn’t responding favorably to the new release. Some people have tweeted such things like, “Just saw a commercial for the Words with Friends board game. Also known as Scrabble to you oldies…I just don’t understand” and “What’s next, are they going to turn Harry Potter movies into books?” The public is noticing that Words with Friends is nothing but Scrabble and Draw Something is
The public seems to think Hasbro is gaining by leeching upon Scrabble and Pictionary, however, Hasbro owns the rights to both Scrabble and Pictionary. This gives them full right to create the Words With Friends boardgame, without infringing on anyone’s creative trademarks. Despite a few sour reactions, Hasbro couldn’t be more excited about this new release.
Hasbro claims that this physical version of the digital game is going to make the games even more social. Now, instead of playing with people you can’t see or may not even know, players have the opportunity to physically play the game with their actual human friends, which builds real-life social skills as opposed to social media social skills. They’re release of the game was also definitely strategic, making it a hot new commodity for this Christmas season. Is it worth a shot? Would you play the new physical versions of the games, or stick to the classics? Will you endorse Hasbro’s revenue stunt, or rebel and buy other toy brands this Christmas? It’s up to you.